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THOUGHT: The Direction of Your Anger (My George Floyd Reaction)

Hello, Everyone. donovin here, with today's thought:

 The Direction of Your Anger (My George Floyd Reaction)

 First of all, I want to send my condolences to the family and friends of George Floyd. My prayers and heart goes out to you for your loss. May God give you strength, His love, and comfort during this time.

You lost a family member and/or a friend. The world lost another black man taken away from us too soon and his absence will be missed. Though I did not know George, He was/is someone's Father, Son, Brother, Uncle, Friend, etc.

And his absence from the Black community and nation has been felt since his passing. I sent the past week remembering the fears of my mother and how she'd stress to me dealing with the police and statistics of black men being murdered or locked up in prison. that I would be lucky to reach 35 years old based on statistics at that time. Thank God for me beating those statistics, but there is unrest for black men in what is called America.

Before I continue, let me put this out there: I know black men aren't the only men dealing with injustice, hatred, etc. in this world. I am quite sure we all have stories to tell, but this is about George and other black men gone too soon.

The name of this Thought Blog: The Direction of Your Anger, is titled that for a reason and I will share why.

On a day when we as a nation celebrate the men and women who have served this country for our freedom, George's life was taken from him. The time of celebration is now filled with sadness, anger, and pain that did not have to be.

Arrogant Cops
I have much respect for the police officers of our nation, but I have to admit some are not fit for the part. To protect and serve, remember? A pressured knee on a man's neck. People you are supposed to protect and serve are pleading with you to stop and they are ignored. Being a police officer shouldn't entitle you, but humble you. Take the titles away and one title God gave us is always there. We are all a HUMAN BEING and I think the men in the police outfits forgot that.

The Plea of the People
Since the plea of the people was ignored it was going to have an effect. Unmet needs always create tension between people. You know that dealing with your family, friends, and Boss. Those police officers ignored the plea of the people and it sparked anger.

The Anger of the People
Ephesian 4: 26-27; Go ahead and be angry. You do well to be angry—but don’t use your anger as fuel for revenge. And don’t stay angry. Don’t go to bed angry. Don’t give the Devil that kind of foothold in your life.

Anger is a natural emotion and a trigger for telling us something just isn't right about a situation. We are all going to get angry about something. How we direct that anger is key. With the George Floyd injustice and many other black men before him, not even COVID-19 is going to stop the people from expressing their anger. I want to look at the two ways anger was directed during this past week. 

This is still a great way I like to see people fight for injustice. In many cities across America, all races of people, celebrities standing as one.peacefully. Even police officers raised their voices standing with protestors and it was a beautiful image of how we can stand together for something and not tell each other apart.

I admit I have conflicts with this way of directing my anger.  Destroying other people's property and taking things that don't belong to me, and look, I'm on video. I am on YouTube hurting people because I am angry. I get it. I have done it. I have let my anger turn into rage and faced the consequences, and probably still are, for my actions. I realized as I got older that acting in haste is a big mistake! I don't want to see any of us hurting each other physically or otherwise because we are angry about injustice or any situation. Self-control can bring peace of mind. Vengeance and rage never will.

I love America and appreciate God planting me here. There are many freedoms as a black man I couldn't have years ago. I was born in June of 1968, two months after Martin Luther King's assassination. Since then, I have seen I feel a passive wave of racism. What do I mean by that? I know there are individuals and groups that trigger things form the 'shadows'. That racism isn't always in your face. I still feel it like ripples in the water.
I think it is sad to live life watching your back and teaching your kids to do the same. But there are people out there who like America a certain way and don't want to share it with the rest of us. When we as black people act in haste rioting and looting, they're watching. They're making plans to cause more division of the human race and make it look like we did it. Why help them succeed? Beat them with the intelligence God gave us.

It is unjust what happened to George Floyd and I hope it doesn't happen to another black man (or any other man for that matter) living today. God gave us life and we should live it. 

Looking at the two ways Anger was directed, which one do you think is truly beneficial?
The next time you get angry, how will you use it? 
Will we be a wise people in resolving anger or burn in it?

That's my thoughts for today. Let me know what you think. I would love to hear your thoughts. 


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Thank you,
donovin - P&S

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  1. Very well put my friend. It was the truth coupled with another truth; a dose of reality. Both are true but the reality is that racism has always exhisted only before theyy just looked at you strange like you didnt belong; but now they are acting out and causing us harm including death. So not fair.

    However I too chose to respond and not react. Be angry but sin not that is the key! And bottom line yes we are all himan beings. But we have free will and many chose the ills of the world do not allow God to fight our battles.

    I also pray for the Floyd family and all the rest of the men who have lost their lives due to prejudice and injustice.

    It reminds me of a bible story where they made us make bricks and then the straw to make the bricks. Always trying to drive us apart and keep the black man away from his family.

    Ultimate goal to kill the black male so they can kill our race. But we are Gods chosen people and they may kill our bodies but they cant kill our souls.

    Stand down soldier! At ease! We can protest peacefully from home on bended knee and also at the voting booths.


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