Hello, Everyone. donovin here, with today's thought:
THOUGHT: Being A Student
It's been a while since I wrote and this topic has been on my mind. I think it is appropriate to share especially at this time when students are back in school. I think also a way we should think about life.
I will try to keep this short as possible...😄....no promises. Here are somethings to think about:
Do you know how you learn the best?
a) Visual - You like a diagram, picture, mind map, etc.
b) Arial - You want to hear the information to understand it, rather than reading it from a book.
c) Physical - You are more of a hands-on learner. Feel, touch how to make and learn.
d) Logical - You can recognize patterns, and connect 'perplexed' concepts easily.
e) Social - You learn things from socializing and communicating with people, both verbally and non- verbally, People how are social learners might pursue counseling, teaching, training, coaching, sales, human resources and yes....politics.
f) Solitary - You are more of a private, independent and introspective thinker. You hunt for quiet spaces and time to process the lesson without distraction.
I don't know about you. I am a floater type of learner between them all. I think Arial, Solitary and Visual being my main three ways to learn as I get older.
I am especially feeling this one! There were so many times throughout my school years including college, I didn't care for the teacher! I had to learn the subject to pass the class. I had to figure out ways to learn despite the lessons despite my thoughts of the teacher.
Here are types of teachers I've encountered:
A) Fun & Outgoing - you love being in their class because the teacher has an excitement and joy for what they are teaching. Depending on who you are, that helps you get excited about the class.
B) Logical & Boring -
these are the type of teachers I've had to drink lots of pop, have a friend nudge me or crack jokes to keep me from falling asleep. The subject or the teacher can be boring and you have to fight to learn either way.
C) GHOSTS - while they are the teacher who is assigned to help you learn, their attitude is they could care less about their job and you. They have a hard time maintaining the class and themselves! You see it in their body language that they are a GHOST.
D) ATTRACTIVE - yes, and it is not just the girls secretly drooling over their teacher. We guys have done it too. In High school, I had a 12th grade English teacher that keep us learning. She was very attractive and all the guys in the class thought she was a student because she looked so young! Most of that class was guys and we never missed the class. She is the teacher who thought poetry would be a great thing for me to learn. I had no idea how much that was true until after I graduated High School.
E) MAD - similar to the ghost teacher, but to the extreme. They've had it and they make you feel that way. They are angry when they teach and ridicule you. You learn - how to file a complaint or drop the class and not want to drop them! You don't want their bad attitude to make you mad.
The first two points can be ammunition for WHY we can't learn and pass the class. It does take away the HOW. We can give a ton of reasons that are flat out excuses. If you ask yourself, or worst someone else asks, Why you didn't get any help, that opens up another can of worms. Not to mention dry mouth and dumb look on your face. A reminder that there is no excuse you or I can't learn the material. It's how urgent we need to do it. Making that effort at that moment adds up and next thing you know the class is over as you appreciate the first three letters of the alphabet or 70-100% Making the effort will always pay off. Of course the highest pay off is great. Not failing is always good to me.
Sometimes, a new subject to learn can seem foreign. Getting the help to break the language down for you to understand will take time and a claim mind. Don't make excuses, make the effort.
No matter how we learn, who and how the teacher is teaching, we still have to learn the lesson. If we don't, we pay a heavy price for it. You can fail the class, waste valuable time and money. And the funny thing is; the lessons don't end after you get of school, Being a student is a lifelong career itself. As long as you learn, you grow as a person in your character, maturity and life. Be humble and stay a student. Keep learning what God - is going to teach you the rest of your life. You will have to figure out how to process the lesson so you can pass, not the class, but the season of your life and graduate to the next.
Personal Note: I wrote this article to share with students. That was before Covid-19 hit the education system. I understand though it is more challenging with Covid-19 and adapting to new ways of studying..the message is still the same. With whatever comes our way, we have to focus, learn and pass.
That's my thoughts for today. Let me know what you think. I would love to hear your thoughts.
If you think this can help out someone...please share it.
Thank you,
donovin - P&S
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